Thursday, November 1, 2007

Textbook questions continued:

1) How did increasing trade in the late Middle Ages affect the worldview in Europe? (29)

2) What is a “city-state” and what were the largest city-states in Europe by the middle of the 14th century? (29)

3) How did memories of the glory of ancient Rome affect the Renaissance in Italy? (30 &31)

4) What is a republic? (31)

5) What is a despot? (31)

6) What is a guild and who was allowed in? (35)

7) Is this statement true or false? “...the history that is recorded is that of the powerful and the rich.” Why? (45)

8) How did geography of Italy affect the Italian Renaissance? (46)

9) What other societies had an impact on Renaissance Italy? (46)

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