Thursday, November 1, 2007


SS 9 Quality of Life Personal Response Essay

Personal Response Essay: QUALITY OF LIFE

Write an essay, 5 paragraphs in length, which argues that either
Western Canada or City of Joy has a higher quality of life. This
essay should reflect your own personal opinion but should not be
written in the first person.

NO: I believe that City of Joy has a high quality of life because…
YES: The quality of life is higher in City of Joy because…

Be sure that your essay has all of the following components:
1) Introduction
2) Topic sentence
3) Three paragraphs explaining your arguments
4) Conclusion
5) References

• 12 pt. font
• Do not fiddle with margins
• Title and name
• Preferably double sided
• Single, 1.5 or double spaced


Soaring in the Slums: Quality of Life in the City of Joy
By: Mrs. L. Darling

Mother Teresa, a nun of Calcutta, once said "I want you to
be concerned about your next door neighbor. Do you know your next door
neighbor?" This quote demonstrates…

SS Industrial Revolution: Note Taking Assignment:

If you managed to get all the reading done, congrats. That was a lot of reading and a major challenge. Good for you if you got it all the way done. If not, you will need to do that.

Write on Notes Assignment sheet in package

Write what is important to you, part of this process is deciding for yourself what is important to note

1) Did the underlining/highlighting system work for me? Why or why not?

2) *What changes would I make to improve the system?

-not highlight, makes it messy, can’t distinguish key terms from key points, had to switch pens to write in the margins

3) Did the system help me read actively, understand better and retain more? Why or why not?

Creating a Summary (a.k.a. a cheat sheet)

*Step #1: Decide on your key words to be defined (should already be done)

*Step #2: Decide on the key points you will write down (should already be done)

*Step #3: Pick out your headings

Background about Industrial Revolution

Factory System

Cottage/Domestic System


Immediate effects of the Industrial Revolution

Step #4: Put it together in a way that makes sense and is meaningful to you (see examples)

Notes on Notes:

· Key terms designated (ALL CAPS, Underlined, etc.)

· Paraphrase DO NOT COPY FOR WORD—this is a waste of time and less likely to stick

· Use symbols, shorthand and diagrams (↑,↓, IR) Just don’t forget what they mean (key)

· Spacing and formatting (indents and bullets)

· Paper size (regular, legal, gigantic)

· Typed vs. Hand written (neatness factor, benefits of rewriting)

· Inspirations


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