Sunday, October 14, 2007

Text Questions (Our Worldviews pg. 12-28)

Due: Tues. Oct. 23

OUR WORLDVIEWS Name: _____________________ Class:______

Chapter One: How did Other Civilizations set the stage for the Renaissance in Europe? (pg. 12-28)

1) What was the Silk Road? (16)

2) What goods were being transported along the Silk Road? (16)

3) How did the Islamic world contribute to scholarly activity during the Middle Ages? (17)

4) Why are the Middle Ages called the “Middle Ages”? (19)

5) What was the major focal point of people’s lives in the Middle Ages? (Hint: it influenced art and architecture) (19)

6) What is a crusade? (20)

7) Why are the crusades important in terms of the Renaissance? (20)

8) What is a serf? (23)

9) How did religious views play into the feudal system? (24)

10) How was the Black Death spread? (25)

11) What do I know about the worldview prevalent in the Middle Ages? (12-28)

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